Meerkats Wiki

Randy(VRRM144) was born in September 2011 in the Rascals in a mixed litter. His mother was either the dominant female Sancerre or a subordinate female Coccyx and his father was either Grus or an unkown rover. His litter-mates included five sisters named Lenore(VRRF145), Thurman Merman(VRRF146), Mary Doll(VRRF147), Candula(VRRF148) and Nessie(VRRF149). All six pups survived their first four weeks and started foraging with the adults. Sadly in October Candula was predated while the group was out foraging. Sadly in November Nessie was also predated. The Rascals had few adults to look after the groups but Randy and his remaining sisters survived to adulthood. In August 2012 Sancerre was pregnant again and evicted Lenore even though she wasn't a year old yet. That same month Randy also went roving for the first time with Crux and Izar. Randy has been roving for a while and was considered Last Seen in June 2013. It is unknown at this time what happened to him.


Rascals Mob

Sancerre Rascals

Coccyx Rascals
